Wednesday, July 28

That "new shoe" smell...

Who knew shoes could be so fun! Okay, okay, *I* never realized shoes could be so fun ^.^ Actually, I was never a big "shoe" person- just a casual Via Spiga heels for going out type of person, but strictly flip flops the rest of the time. (I'm all about comfort) But, since today was the last day of the Barneys sale, and I had to go buy bridesmaid shoes for Soo's wedding, I decided to stop by & see what Mr. Blahnik & Mr. Choo had to offer.


I've always wanted to wear pointy/closed-toe shoes, but being a size 9, 9 1/2, I gave up after the first few pairs made me look like the wicked witch of the west. But today not only did I find the perfect pink satin pair for the wedding, I also found a pair of leather Prada's with a lower heel... perfect for jeans! Actually as soon as I came home I tried them both on with jeans and they looked great. Also I found a cute pair of Marc Jacob black heels. I was iffy about the white stitching at first... but then I realized they match my Luella. ^.^ And I've been looking for the perfect pair of heels to wear with my "Rachel Pally" pants, and these go really well.

Then came the overwhelming fear of paying for the shoes... did I really need 3 pairs of shoes, at the same time? Well I absolutely needed the bridesmaid shoes, that's the main reason I went to Barney's in the first place! And I've been looking for a pair of black heels since I've had to retire my old ones, and these make my legs look long and my feet look small. And the Pradas look so good with jeans! I've been looking for a pair of dressy shoes to wear with jeans.

So I decided I couldn't part with any of them and brought the whole entourage home. I guess this isn't a big deal to most people, but I've *never* spent that much on shoes before. Actually I beat up my shoes pretty badly so I've never justified spending more than $150 on a pair of shoes [since they usually last me at most a month] but these were so pretty.